Tagged: Miscellaneous Musings


The Seitanic Spellbook (Cookbook)

The Seitanic Spellbook (Cookbook) Okay, and now for something COMPLETELY different. I present to you, a black metal vegan cookbook, which one of my friends and patreon supports bought for me and told me to prioritize! So yeah, ladies and gentlemen – this is a review of sorts of a black metal cookbook. A VEGAN black metal cookbook that clocks...


Miscellaneous Musings: On Horror Part III – d20-based Gaming

Miscellaneous Musings: On Horror Part III – d20-based Gaming In case you missed Part I and Part II, here are the links: Part I Part II It is impossible to talk about the history of horror gaming and the d20 system without first taking care of a couple of misunderstandings that have claimed much of the discourse without being properly...


Patreon Update 05/17

Dear patreons, dear readers!   First of all – I’d like to extend my heartfelt welcome to my new supporters and patreons that help keep this gig going for all of us. Thank you. You literally keep the lights on!   If you are a reader of my site, enjoy it, consider it helpful, and can spare the equivalent of...


Miscellaneous Musings: On Horror Part II

Miscellaneous Musings: On Horror Part II   First things first: In case you missed part I, here’s the link!   The TL;DR-version of Part I is: The Castle of Otranto and Wieland exemplify early horror, focusing on anxieties; internalized and externalized, with loss of control and a feeling of helplessness as a leitmotif, in one case internalized, in the other...


Miscellaneous Musings: On Horror Part I

Miscellaneous Musings: On Horror Part I   So, horror in gaming. It’s no secret that horror is my favorite genre, but at the same time, it is widely considered to be the hardest to achieve in gaming, the most difficult to write for. The reasons for this are pretty obvious: Sitting around the table, munching pizza and pretzels with your...


Miscellaneous Musings: My Stance on the Depiction of Nazis in Gaming

Miscellaneous Musings: My Stance on the Depiction of Nazis in Gaming   So, this miscellaneous musing was ultimately prompted by several designers and friends asking, time and again, for my stance on the issue of the depiction of Nazis in media as adversaries and whether I am comfortable with it. The answer to the question, ultimately, is significantly more complex...


Patreon-Update 01/17

Dear patreons, dear readers!   A friend of mine once remarked that January is, metaphysically, the bleakest of months and I am inclined to agree. This month has been characterized, at least for me, by pretty much everything going not exactly as planned. Beyond technical issues and a growing sense of unease among many of us, the weather has been...


Miscellaneous Musings: EZG in the US Part IV

Miscellaneous Musings: EZG in the US Part IV Heya, everyone!   In case you missed it, here is part I! Here is part II! Here is part III!   Since someone asked – I did not tweak the colors or anything in the pictures, just tried to crop folks who did not want their likeness on the internet.   All...


Miscellaneous Musings: EZG in the US Part III

Miscellaneous Musings: EZG in the US Part III   Part I can be found here!   Part II can be found here!   So, you may have noticed that I only left Joshua Tree with the utmost hesitation…but I was soon to be rewarded in spades for leaving. We drove, ever northward, towards the next big destination – and one...
