Tagged: Steven E. Schend


EZG reviews A Steam-Peek Guide to Orbis

A Steam-Peek Guide to Orbis This free teaser of Gaming Paper’s Seeampunk-setting of Orbis is 11 pages long, 1 page front cover/editorial/SRD, 1 page back cover, leaving us with 8 pages of content – though that would rather be 16.   Why? Well, because the pdf has one weird quirk – even if set to single page, it always displays...


Coliseum Morpheuon: Anthology of Dreams

This being a fiction anthology from Rite Publishing, I’ll break the format of my usual reviews and instead try to provide a kind of teasers of this selection of short stories inspired by one of the best RPG-supplements of the last couple of generations. that being said, very minor SPOILERS abound.
