Tagged: Ian Sturrock


The Esoterrorists: Albion’s Ransom II – Worm of Sixty Winters (GUMSHOE)

The Esoterrorists: Albion’s Ransom II – Worm of Sixty Winters (GUMSHOE) The massive second part of the Albion’s Ransom-saga clocks in at 80 pages, 76 if you only count content and take away editorial, etc. The review is based primarily on the softcover print version of the adventure.   This review was requested by my patreons.   Now, first things...


The Esoterrorists: Albion’s Ransom I – Little Girl Lost (GUMSHOE)

The Esoterrorists: Albion’s Ransom I – Little Girl Lost (GUMSHOE) This massive first part of the two-part Albion’s Ransom adventure clocks in at 105 pages, 101 pages of content if you take away editorial, ToC, etc. This review is mostly based on the softcover print version; the pdf version does not sport bookmarks, which makes navigation annoying.   So, this...
