Tagged: EZG


Miscellaneous Musings: EZG in the US Part IV

Miscellaneous Musings: EZG in the US Part IV Heya, everyone!   In case you missed it, here is part I! Here is part II! Here is part III!   Since someone asked – I did not tweak the colors or anything in the pictures, just tried to crop folks who did not want their likeness on the internet.   All...


Miscellaneous Musings: EZG in the US Part III

Miscellaneous Musings: EZG in the US Part III   Part I can be found here!   Part II can be found here!   So, you may have noticed that I only left Joshua Tree with the utmost hesitation…but I was soon to be rewarded in spades for leaving. We drove, ever northward, towards the next big destination – and one...


Miscellaneous Musings: EZG in the US Part II

Part I can be found here! So people kept telling me that there’d be a massive difference between Northern and Southern California…and frankly, I did not grasp, even remotely, how pronounced the difference would be. Our first stop along the route to Los Angeles, after leaving the mind-boggling splendor and majesty of Big Sur, was Santa Barbara. It is a...
