Tagged: Anti-Sisyphus-series


Anti-Sisyphus Issue Infinite (system neutral) (priority review)

Anti-Sisyphus Issue Infinite (system neutral) This is an 11-page pdf, 1 page front cover, 1 page back cover, leaving us with 9 pages, all with a red-brown background.   This review was moved up in my reviewing queue due to “all Anti-Sisyphus” material being requested; now, there are more “unofficial” remixes of Anti-Sisyphus than this, but this supplement actually uses...


Anti-Sisyphus Omnibus (system agnostic) (priority review)

Anti-Sisyphus Omnibus (system agnostic) The omnibus-compilation of Anti-Sisyphus clocks in at 37 pages; these pages contain print-outs of the Anti-Sisyphus mini-pdfs #1 – #8 released individually; the page count above does not include front and back cover for the omnibus. However, the individual installment covers are included in the booklet’s page-count; 11 pages of these pages are devoted to the...
