Massive Product Updates!

Dear readers!


It is one of my goals to reward publishers for caring about their customers, for fixing glitches. Hence, I try to adjust my reviews asap if the files do improve. Today, I stared, unbelieving, at a ridiculous amount of revisions that has resulted in hours upon hours of comparing versions. Here are the fruits of my labor!


Well, Everyman Gaming has improved a ton of their pdfs. Many improvements are cosmetic, but there are a couple of fixes that have improved the final verdict: Most notably:


Everyman Minis – Way of the Eight: Now with more precise rules, for +0.5 stars and a final verdict of 5 stars.

Everyman Minis – Yroometji: +1 full page of vital statistics and backgrounds! This catapults the file to 5 stars + seal of approval.

Everyman Minis – Brawler Archetypes: Most rules issues have been addressed, upgrading the file to 3.5 stars, rounded up.

Everyman Minis – Microsized Templates: Glitches in math have been fixed, upgrading this to 5 stars + seal of approval.

Star Log.EM –  Collateral Characters: Massive healing has been nerfed, rules have been clarified, upgrading this to 5 stars.

Star Log.EM – Assassins: Now with non-evil assassin support properly implemented. +0.5 stars, for a final verdict of 4 stars.

Star Log.EM – Mystic Theurge: Spell Synthesis now works properly. This upgrades the pdf to 4 stars.

Star Log.EM – Mechanic Tricks: Crafting via Genius improved,

Star Log.EM – Gnolls: Improved resiliency; fixed Canine Gait feat; now worth 4 stars.

Star Log.EM – Msvokas: This race was already inspired, but held back by minor flaws; now, it ranks as one of the best races I have read in ages, upgrading it to 5 stars + seal of approval and also granting it the status as a candidate for 2018’s Top Ten. Definitely check out these critters if you haven’t already!

Drop Dead Studios has also done something for their faithful consumers, adding player-friendly maps to their massive Wizard’s Academy modular mega-adventure/Bestiary, thus earning that tome my seal of approval. You can check out the revised review (and links to the product) here!


All of the above are linked to their revised reviews here on the site, so if you’ve been on teh fence about some of these, check them out! 😀


Endzeitgeist out.


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