*Inexplicable, stunned disbelief* 3rd milestone blown!!!

Ladies and gentlemen,


While I was posting the reviews for today, a wonderful lady has catapulted the EZG-patreon over the third milestone! O__O


I am not exaggerating when I’m saying that this was only something I have dreamed about; fantasized in some moments about such a goal – and then discarded the notion. I did not dare to dream that so many of you fine folks would support me. I am exceedingly stunned and motivated to continue to bring you the quality reviews you deserve! You and your support, even if it is just spreading the word, means the world to me. Thank you, from the bottom of my now significantly less cynical heart!


Now while this week did not see too many “big” reviews, behind the scenes, I’ve been cranking away like a madman, finishing some freelancing assignments and doing extensive analysis of some BIG and work-intense books – the Dragon Companion’s blocks, for example, were capital W level work. More are to come, ladies and gentlemen, and next week will see quite a bunch of bigger reviews  – Path of Shadows, for example, will see a second playtest round this week-end, since I noticed some moving parts I need to see in action and the same holds true for certain Iron Titans. 😉


I also wanted to thank you for talking to me, spreading the word, for being awesome and I look forward and enjoy taking your suggestions and listen to what YOU want to see reviewed!


As an aside: Tomorrow is a holiday in Germany and I’ll be spending the day, for once, not in front of the screen and instead go out – live, for the first time in months, actually without a gnawing existential anxiety at the back of my head – all thanks to YOU!  You probably can’t fathom how much that is worth to me! Regularly scheduled reviews will resume next Monday!


I remain, honestly humbled and happy,




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2 Responses

  1. Mikael says:

    In my opinion you are worth every penny!

    I have observed that these day I hesitate to buy something you haven’t reviewed, so that the community gives something back is more than fair.

    Not only are your reviews a quality gauge, but your detailed understanding and explanation of various game mechanics makes them essays of game theory!

    • Thilo Graf says:

      Thank you for the kindness, Mikael!!! This sentence in particular “Not only are your reviews a quality gauge, but your detailed understanding and explanation of various game mechanics makes them essays of game theory!” made my day -it reflects pretty much what I also want to do with my reviews, so seeing that someone “gets” it is just awesome!

      Thank you!!!

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